At A Plus our health safety, environment and community responsibilities are integral to the way we do business.
This policy is also available as a downloadable pdf.
Our Commitment
We are committed to the effective implementation of our WHS Policy and to continual improvement in our WHS Performance.
We aspire to zero harm within our workplaces. Our fundamental belief is that all injuries can be prevented. Responsibility starts with each one of us, and as such we will consult with employees, contractors, the community and stakeholders in decisions that affect workplace health and safety
Our Actions
To meet our WHS commitments under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011, we will set measurable objectives and targets. We will develop, implement and maintain effective management systems, and comply with relevant industry standards and legal requirements.
Our principal objectives are to:
- Provide a safe place of work for all employees of the company, contractors, visitors and members of the public during the course of our activities;
- Implement the health and safety risk management process to ensure workplace hazards are identified, assessed, controlled and reviewed where they are not able to be eliminated;
- Record any specific issues and hazards identified during the planning stages for each project by carrying out a risk analysis and incorporating responsibilities, processes and controls to eliminate or minimise these risks and hazards;
- Ensure that safety standards required for each project are met and compliance is attained from commencement until the completion of the project, by having each contractor submitting risk assessments, induction certificates, and WMS prior to work commencing;
- Provide, handle and store materials, equipment, structures and substances without risk to health and safety;
- Provide and disseminate WHS training and information to management, workers and visitors;
- Implement arrangements for consultation of WHS matters with workers, other PCBU’s and stakeholders as appropriate;
- Investigate the cause and take corrective action for all incidents and dangerous events;
- Engage our stakeholders to build relationships based on honesty, openness and mutual trust and share responsibility for meeting the goals of our WHS policy;
- Promote and foster a supportive and safe WHS culture and ensure that all workers are aware of their responsibilities for WHS in areas under their control;
- Establish measurable objectives and targets for WHS aimed at the elimination of work related illness and injury;
- Regularly measure, publish and continuously improve our safety performance.
The co-operation of all workers on A Plus sites is required as a contribution to health, safety and the implementation of this policy. This policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with workers.