Tuggeranong Office Park
Commenced Contract:
September 2015 to August 2017
24 mth contract
Contract Value to date:
$4.5 Million
Project Description
A Plus Plumbing commenced the $40M fitout of the Tuggeranong Office Project in addition to the $128M Base Building project that has recently just completed construction. Tuggeranong Office Park located on Athllon Drive, Tuggeranong is located 25 kilometres south of Canberra’s city centre.
A Plus Plumbing commenced the hydraulics work on the base building project in 2015 and was on track for a 2017 completion.
Project Features
- New 7 storey office tower
- Over 30,400sqm of net lettable office space, basement car parking, tenant storage, café, large central atrium, and rooftop BBQ facilities
- 5 Star Green Star, 4.5 star NABERS design, As-built rating
- Integrated fitout for the Department of Social Services including meeting room areas, break out spaces, and over 2000 work points with suitable flexibility in building infrastructure to support tenant churn
- Project Size 30,400sqm