HMAS Albatross Nowra
Commenced Contract:
November 2014 to March 2016
18 mth contract
Contract Value to date:
$9.3 million
Project Description
The HMAS ALBATROSS redevelopment project will upgrade and refurbish existing facilities and infrastructure for the command, training, maintenance, operational and administration functions to meet projected base operational and support capabilities for at least the next 20 to 30 years. Present infrastructure deficiencies are impacting this required capability.
HMAS ALBATROSS is an operational Naval Air Base with over 2,000 on site staff, the redevelopment project (stage one) aims to undertake major civil infrastructure upgrade works whilst limiting disruption to the base operations and staff.
The project scope of works includes, but is not limited to major activities listed
The major civil infrastructure works will involve the following
- Construction of approximately 9.5 lineal kilometres of underground potable and fire water main pipework and valve infrastructure including fire brigade booster valves attack hydrants and feed hydrants.
- Construction of approximately 1.2 lineal kilometres of 33kV high voltage underground conduits and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately 2.6 lineal kilometres of high voltage underground conduits and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately 1.4 lineal kilometres of 11kV high voltage underground conduits and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately 3.2 lineal kilometres of 415/240 voltage underground conduits and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately 1.6 lineal kilometres of underground communications and data conduits and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately .76 lineal kilometres of underground civil stormwater pipe work and pit infrastructure
- Construction of approximately 1.2 lineal kilometres of natural gas underground mains pipework and valve infrastructure