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Canberra Data Centres Fyshwick and Hume

Commenced Contract:

April 2018 to current


24 mth contract

Contract Value to date:

$3.5 Million

Project Description

The Canberra Data Centres have constructed 2 new sites in Fyshwick and Hume The facilities will store electronic data for the private and government sectors The extent of the hydraulics work covered in these 2 projects consists of the following:

  1. Stormwater plumbing and drainage;
  2. Subsoil drainage;
  3. Condensate plumbing and drainage;
  4. Sanitary plumbing and drainage;
  5. Rainwater systems and downpipes;
  6. Domestic cold water;
  7. Domestic hot water; and
  8. Non-potable cold water.